I am a Colombian girl refined and very sensual, with an exhusive knowledge of ancestral techniques of erotic massage, who seek to relax completely and thus free your spirit so that you feel to fullness,

I can offer you : a complete full-body Californian massage from feet to Head, anti-stress or descontracturante type, I'll leave you as new; If what you prefer is a massage of pleasure, I can perform a sensual massage erotic totally sensory erogenizante of the 5 senses.

I also offer the authentic body-to-body massage, my specialty, in which all I become an instrument of pleasure, Here we will be able to taste each other of our bodies, I count with ample experience, my soft skin and my warm hands will not leave you indifferent, you will want to repeat again and again, my services include an exciting and relaxing lingam massage or double manual relax included in the Price, you can take a shower before and after the massage, I am great and as you see in my photos 100% real, great, dare to meet me and enjoy my massages, give a treat, receive a good professional massage in the hands of a truly sexy and professional masseur.

I'm in torrevieja center

call for your appointment


  Cristina soy una chica Colombiana refinada y muy sensual, con un conocimiento exahustivo de tecnicas ancestrales de masaje erótico, que buscan relajarte por completo y liberar así tu espíritu para que sientas a plenitud.

te puedo ofrecer : un completo masaje californiano integral de pies a cabeza, de tipo anti estrés o descontracturante, te dejaré como nuevo; si lo que prefieres es un masaje de placer, te puedo realizar un sensual masaje erótico total mente sensorial erogenizante de los 5 sentidos.

también ofrezco el auténtico masaje cuerpo a cuerpo, mi especialidad, en el que toda yo me convierto en instrumento de placer, aquí podremos degustar mutuamente cada uno de nuestros cuerpos, cuento con amplia experiencia ,

llamane pide tu cita 631067707

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  • Massage relaxing torrevieja
  • Massage relaxing torrevieja
  • Massage relaxing torrevieja
  • Massage relaxing torrevieja
  • Massage relaxing torrevieja
  • Massage relaxing torrevieja

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